By Paul Withers | 9/26/22 2:23 AM | Business - News | Added by Roberto Boccadoro
No IT solution is delivered using code written solely by the solution provider. There is always dependent code written by a third party. Dependency management tooling has proliferated in every technology sector to support this.
And every solution includes an implicit assumption that the dependent code will continue to work as it does and provide whatever the consumer requires.
And the brutal truth for consumers is that the authors of your dependencies did not write their code knowing your requirements up front. Whether or not it fits your implementation falls in the realm of “caveat emptor”. If it doesn’t, if you need an enhancement or you find a bug, your priorities may or may not align with the priorities of the owners of that dependency. With a product, you’re just one paying customer. With open source, you’re just one consumer - not even a customer.